Monthly Archives: September 2017


Plumber’s Advice on Installing Bidets

How to install a Bidet Faucet Hand-held bidets are getting to become a default feature in most new bathrooms. (Photo Credits) For older homes that were not installed with hand held or manual bidets, then fret no more because this plumbing fixture can be added in any of the bathrooms in a home. More [...]

Decoding Sounds from the HVAC

What to do with a Noisy HVAC What does the noise in an HVAC Mean? (Photo Credits) One of the HVAC’s main function in a home is to make everyone feel comfortable. But how can one be comfortable when the HVAC is making some noises. Whether the noise is loud or just humming, it [...]

Plumbing 101: How to replace a Bathroom Faucet

Basic Faucet Replacement Faucet replacement can either be easy or challenging depending on the type of faucet to be installed. (Photo Credits) Bathroom faucets do not last forever. No matter how pricey it is, and how great the installation job is, because materials corrode, and fixtures malfunction. Once it gets irreparable, faucets then need [...]

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