Water softeners are a must in areas with excessive hard water supply

Water softeners are a must in areas with excessive hard water supply

A water softener is a solution to hard water concerns in any property. It is a piece of equipment connected to the plumbing system to get rid of the minerals and calcium in the water supply through filtration. Hard water can be a nuisance given the streaks that need to be cleaned regularly, the residue, and the plumbing issues it could potentially cause. Fortunately, local licensed plumbing contractors can install water softening equipment in homes to help get rid of the minerals that make hard water harmful to the whole home plumbing system.   


Before going further to discuss water softeners, it is best to define what hard water and soft water are. Hard water is a common term used for water supply that has naturally absorbed calcium and magnesium. While this means that there are innate minerals found in the water supply, this could cause some damage to plumbing fixtures. Soft water on the other hand could either be naturally occurring like those found in lakes and those that are artificially softened. Hard water meanwhile usually comes from an underground water supply. When hard water is treated by a water softener, it becomes soft water. Lakeside Diamond Ace


What can hard water do?


While hard water is perfectly safe to drink, it can cause several issues on plumbing fixtures, including pipes, faucets, showerheads, and surfaces. The build-up that it causes could lead to clogs and affect the performance of plumbing equipment such as faucets, showerheads, and pipes. Usually, the lifespan of these plumbing fixtures is affected given the consequences of excessively hard water.


Hardwater is also a sight for sore eyes, as it produces scaling and marks particularly on chrome-plated plumbing fixtures. If it pools on the base of faucets, it could also trigger rusting and corrosion. surfaces also need to be cleaned and dried more often since the marks are unsightly, and any pooling left for days could produce a sulfur-like odor, which is offensive. Chula Vista Office


Installing a water softener


Any local plumber can install a water softening system in the house. It usually comes in three common types: ion exchange, salt-free type, and reverse osmosis type. Homeowners can ask if their water utilities board if they have already installed a water softening system on their end. If not, and if the hard water supply bothers the household, then the homeowner can ask a plumbing contractor to install a water softener for them anytime.

Diamond Ace Plumbing