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Plumber’s thoughts on Drain Snakes

Are Drain Snakes useful? Can drain snakes really help in unclogging drainage blockages? (Photo Credits) Drain Snakes are one of those plumbing tools that even ordinary homeowners without a plumbing background would dare use. For one it is available in local home improvement stores, and secondly, most of the household versions do not look [...]

How to be an HVAC Technician

Trainings and Educational Requirements What one needs to know to become an HVAC Professional. (Photo Credits) Being an HVAC Technician requires training, education, as well as continuous learning and practical experiences. It is a trade skills job that that can be rewarding. Learn.Org explained the job of an HVAC Technician as well as how [...]

How to Become a Master Plumber

Pursuing a Career as a Master Plumber Master Plumbing requires education, training, and heavy experience. (Photo Credits) Being a Master Plumber opens a lot of opportunities for earning. For one, a master plumber gets the highest compensation rate amongst all kinds of plumbers. At the same time, it allows them the opportunity to mentor [...]

Signs the HVAC Ducts need Cleaning

Maintaining the HVAC Unit How to know when the HVAC needs a cleaning. (Photo Credits) HVAC Duct Cleaning is a must-do for some households, given that this can help improve air quality at home. The National Air Duct Cleaners’ Association says homeowners stand to benefit from all the cleaning especially if some family members [...]

Plumber’s tips on drainage problems

Trouble down the drain How should a homeowner deal with a drainage problem? (Photo Credits) Drainage problems at home can be very stressful. Even if the drain question is outside the home, the mere fact that it creates puddles, mud and wet spots in the yard or the garden, can be considered enough of [...]

Plumbing and HVAC Red Flags in a Home for Sale

What to watch out for when buying a house What are the signs that there are plumbing and HVAC issues in a property for sale? (Photo Credits) When buying a home it is important to be vigilant about the fixtures and features of the property one is buying to avoid possible accidents and additional [...]

Plumber’s advice on installing shut-off valves

Shut-off valve 101 How important is a gate valve? (Photo Credits) Water valves are essential plumbing fixtures installed to ensure that plumbing problems can be somehow controlled around the house. Plumbing Association of San Diego     The website HomeTime described the shut off valves as one of the most important plumbing fixtures that should be [...]

Warning signs of an HVAC Problem

Clues to determine HVAC Issues There are telltale signs that could indicate possible HVAC Issues. (Photo Credits) A home’s HVAC unit can exhibit clues that there may be operational issues in the offing. It is then very important to regularly have HVAC units inspected and maintained to avoid issues. Third Party Service Ratings Website [...]

Plumber’s advice on dealing with outdoor broken pipes

Bursting Pipes outside the Home When outdoor pipes burst. (Photo Credits) Outdoor pipes burst, and it can wreak havoc outside any person’s home. In worst cases it can even cause flooding. So what should a homeowner do, when an outdoor pipe bursts outside his home? Plumbers advise that if in case such thing occurs [...]

What to do when a pipe bursts

Water pipe trouble How to deal with broken pipes. (Photo Credits) A bursting water pipe is not uncommon as it can happen to any household. Damage however to the plumbing fixtures as well as to the home in general can be minimized when the homeowner knows what to do in case such thing occurs [...]

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