Conserving Water in the Bathroom

Sea bath (without mirror)

The bathroom consumes a huge chunk of a household’s water usage. (Photo Credits)

Conserving water in the bathroom can do a lot in terms of saving on water bills, and being friendlier to the environment.

More and more households are getting conscious about this because water does not only represent household bills at the end of the month. It is also a finite resource that should be conserved. A/C And HVAC

Earth Easy mentioned several tips on lowering water consumption in the bathroom.

Plumbing 101: How to replace a Bathroom Faucet

“If your bathroom was designed before 1992, your showerheads probably put out 5 gallons of water a minute (GPM). Multiply this by the number of minutes you’re in the shower, and the water usage adds up rapidly. After 1992, showerheads became legally required to put out no more than 2.5 gallons of water (you can find an adjustable showerhead that puts out as little as 1.0 gallons of water per minute and still offers an enjoyable shower). The average person uses a shower for 10 minutes per day, so switching to a low flow showerhead can save a family of four about 58,000 gallons of water per year.”

Check out the whole article here.

Water from the Faucet

Water Footprint Calculator meantime came up with a comprehensive post meant to guide homeowners on their water usage. For their advice in conserving water in the bathroom, they mentioned about bathroom faucet use and maintenance. Plumbing Association of San Diego 

“Install low-flow faucet aerators in your sinks – you can save gallons of water each time you use the tap. Conventional faucets flow as high as 3 gallons per minute, but low-flow faucets flow at 1.5 gallons per minute. Fix those leaky faucets. That constant drip is more than just annoying; it’s also a huge waste of water. You can lose more than 20 gallons of water a day from a single drippy faucet!”

More tips can be found here.

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The Australian Government’s website Act Smart also came up with tips in saving water in the bathroom.

Winterizing the HVAC System

“Check for toilet leaks by placing a few drops of biodegradable food colouring into the cistern, and wait for 30 minutes. If you have a leaking toilet, you will see coloured water in the toilet bowl and you need to contact a plumber. A slow, barely visible leak can waste more than 4,000 litres of water a year. Check for leaking pipes by reading your water meter before you go to bed, then again in the morning. If there has been no water use overnight, and the reading has changed, you may have a leaking pipe and should seek advice from a plumber.

Read the continuation here.

Regular professional plumbing maintenance is also key in lowering water bolls in the bathroom and beyond. This is because routine maintenance and inspection   can help solve leaking and other piping issues even before they get blown out of proportion.

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